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About Ron Romero

Ron Romero is a Creative Director and master Brand-Builder with 20+ years of experience in high-profile Entertainment, Technology, Toy/Game and Health & Lifestyle companies.

Ron’s experience includes leadership positions overseeing creative marketing, user experience, tech startups, and product launch teams.


Ron develops creative marketing strategies and campaigns for all kinds of companies. Whether Fortune 100, charitable brands or small startups, he is always excited to help, advise and design…. and is never at a loss for words.

His favorite saying: “There are no small jobs…. only small designers”

He has worked with a wide range of clients including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Disney, Oracle, Sony, British Telecom, Time Warner, AOL, CNET, Western Digital, CBS, Mattel, Herbalife and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Ron believes no job or office is too big.

In addition to increasing sales revenue, his ability to manage cross-departmental budgets resulted in almost $1MM in cost-savings in the past two years.

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Ron shares his experience with students around the world and is repeatedly invited to design curriculum courses and teach workshops.
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Ron teaches now at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena California and IIDC Intermark International Design College in Shanghai China.

Currently Ron is Chief Creative Strategist for The BrandBox Agency, a digital brand and marketing company with offices in Los Angeles and Nashville. And usually Surfing.